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A Quantum Murder is the thrilling second book in Peter F. Hamilton''s incredibly successful Greg Mandel series. Dr Edward Kitchener was a brilliant researcher into quantum cosmology . . . but he''s found dead, lungs spread on either side of his open chest. His employers, Event Horizon, now want to know what happened - and fast. Many were anxious to stop Kitchener''s work, and could have paid an assassin''s fee. And only a mercenary could''ve breached Launde Abbey''s premier-grade security system. Yet why would a professional waste time ritually slaughtering the target? Greg Mandel, psi-boosted ex-private eye, is enticed out of retirement to track the killer. He launches himself on a convoluted trail which will mean confronting the past. But - according to Kitchener''s theories - this past might never have happened. A Quantum Murder is followed by The Nano Flower to complete the Greg Mandel trilogy.
Humanity rises to meet a powerful alien threat, in this extraordinary conclusion to Peter F. Hamilton''s Salvation Sequence. This is a high-octane adventure from ''the most powerful imagination in science fiction'' (Ken Follett). Live in hiding - or die for freedom Humanity welcomed the Olyix and their utopian technology. But mankind was tricked. Now these visitors are extracting a terrible price. For two years, the Olyix have laid siege to Earth, harvesting its people for their god. One by one, cities are falling to their devastating weaponry. And while millions have fled to seek refuge in space, others continue to fight an apparently unwinnable war. As Earth''s defeat draws near, a team attempts to infiltrate the Salvation of Life - the Olyix''s arkship. If it succeeds, those chosen will travel to a hidden enclave thousands of light years away. Once there, they must signal its location to future generations, to bring the battle to the enemy. Maybe allies scattered throughout space and time can join forces. Yet in the far future, humanity are still hunted by their ancient adversary. And as forces battle on in the cold reaches of space, hope seems distant indeed . . . The Saints of Salvation is the third and final book in the Salvation Sequence by Peter F. Hamilton. ''A vast, intricate sci-fi showstopper'' - Guardian on Salvation ''Exciting, wildly imaginative and quite possibly Hamilton''s best book to date'' - SFX Magazine on Salvation , 5 stars
Des millénaires avant que l'homme essaime dans la galaxie, les laymils ont disparu.
Il n'en reste qu'un anneau de ruines tournant autour d'une géante gazeuse et une énigme. se sont-ils suicidés pour échapper à un péril pire que la mort ? ont-ils succombé à une attaque mystérieuse ? dans l'habitat implanté près des débris par le premier seigneur de ruine, la princesse ione saldana continue à chercher des réponses. elle règne sur tranquillité, un polype vivant et intelligent, et ses trois millions d'habitants, chercheurs, industriels, diplomates et aventuriers venus chercher fortune en dénichant dans l'amas de ruine les vestiges des laymils.
Loin de tranquillité, de sa richesse et de sa sécurité, des colons, sur la planète lalonde, tentent d'arracher leur terre à la forêt et à ses dangers. dans la boue et la puanteur d'un monde sauvage, ils sont là pour la vie, espérant créer un nouvel éden, exilés volontaires des arches surpeuplées qui recouvrent la terre. dans ce chaudron en ébullition, que peut causer l'arrivée d'une intelligence extraterrestre intangible, cherchant on ne sait quelles connaissances, fantôme assoiffé de curiosité qui depuis des siècles explore l'espace infini ?
Hantés par la peur du néant, les possédés rêvent d'un univers qu'ils iront créé eux-mêmes.
Derrière les portes qui se sont ouvertes, les âmes des défunts attendent leur tour pour s'emparer d'un corps vivant. les forces spatiales arrivent devant lalonde ; la bataille s'est achevée, les cieux sont traversés d'éclairs, illuminés par les tempêtes de plasma, parcourus de vecteurs pourpres et verts. les guêpes de combat poursuivent des navires isolés. sur la planète soumise, quelques rescapés cherchent à survivre : des soldats, un prêtre, une journaliste.
Ils se heurtent à des créatures dont la mort ne veut plus, découvrent des maisons faillies de l'histoire, affrontent des chevaliers en armure. ailleurs, les possédés qui se sont échappés contraignent les vivants à accepter l'âme d'autres morts, installant le chaos et l'horreur. sur tranquillité, la reconstitution patiente d'un drame ancien révèle pourquoi une espèce intelligente a disparu des millénaires auparavant, mais la menace qui pèse sur l'humanité effraye ceux qui commencent à entrevoir la vérité.
Humanity rises to meet a powerful alien threat, in this extraordinary sequel to Peter F. Hamilton''s Salvation . This is a high-octane adventure from ''the most powerful imagination in science fiction'' (Ken Follett). Fight together - or die alone . . . In the twenty-third century, humanity is enjoying a comparative utopia. Yet life on Earth is about to change, forever. Feriton Kane''s investigative team has discovered the worst threat ever to face mankind - and we''ve almost no time to fight back. The supposedly benign Olyix plan to harvest humanity, in order to carry us to their god at the end of the universe. And as their agents conclude schemes down on earth, vast warships converge above to gather this cargo. Some factions push for humanity to flee, to live in hiding amongst the stars - although only a chosen few would make it out in time. But others refuse to break before the storm. As disaster looms, animosities must be set aside to focus on just one goal: wiping this enemy from the face of creation. Even if it means preparing for a future this generation will never see. Salvation Lost is the second book in the Salvation Sequence by Peter F. Hamilton ''Everything readers of Salvation will have hoped for. A series emerging as a modern classic'' - Stephen Baxter ''Brilliant and compelling. A masterclass in tension and spectacle'' - Gareth L. Powell
The third book in the The Night''s Dawn trilogy, The Naked God by Peter F. Hamilton is an epic conclusion to dramatic and compelling series. The Confederation is verging on collapse, unable to prevent the enemy from sweeping through the galaxy. And Earth''s defences have finally been penetrated, its giant domed cities destroyed one by one. As time runs out for civilization, those who fight on must join forces and form new alliances - but an enemy''s enemy isn''t always a friend. The war is desperate on all fronts, with battles fought on a scale unseen by humankind for six centuries. There are rumours that an ancient space-faring race faced this same threat to its existence - surviving with the help of the Sleeping God. If this mysterious and powerful entity truly exists, we may be able to find it. And if it really can avert the ultimate catastrophe, we may at last find hope. Joshua Clavert and Syrinx now fly their starships on a mission to find the Sleeping God - which an alien race believes holds the key to finally overthrowing the possessed.
Peter F. Hamilton
- Pan Books
- 27 Juillet 2017
- 9781447232759
B>Following the astonishing The Abyss Beyond Dreams, Night Without Stars is the epic second and final part to Peter F. Hamilton's Chronicle of the Fallers./b>The planet Bienvenido is in crisis. It has finally escaped the Void, emerging into regular space. But it's millions of light-years from Commonwealth assistance, and humans are battling the Fallers for control of their world. This rapacious adversary, evolved to destroy all sentient life, has infiltrated every level of human society - hijacking unwilling bodies so its citizens fear their leaders, friends and family.A mysterious figure known as the Warrior Angel leads a desperate resistance. She's helped by forbidden Commonwealth technology, which gives her a crucial edge. But the government obstructs the Angel's efforts at every turn, blinded by prejudice and technophobia. As Fallers also prepare to attack from the skies, she might need to incite rebellion to fight this invasion. But the odds seem impossible.Then astronaut Ry Evine uncovers one last hope. On a mission against the enemy, his spacecraft damages an unidentified vessel. This crash-lands on the planet carrying unexpected cargo: a baby. This extraordinary Commonwealth child possesses knowledge that could save them all. But if the Fallers catch her, the people of Bienvenido will not survive.
Following on from The Reality Dysfunction, The Neutronium Alchemist is the second epic novel in the Night''s Dawn trilogy by Peter F. Hamilton.
A seemingly unstoppable force has entered our universe, and we are confronted by our most primal fear. Those who have succumbed to its horror have acquired godlike powers. Yet their actions are far from divine as they advance from planet to planet, leaving slaughter and mayhem in their wake. The Confederation Navy is dangerously overstretched, as whole worlds fracture and collapse. And a dark messiah prepares to invoke his own version of the final night.
In such desperate times, a powerful new weapon could cause yet more terror, but Dr Alkad Mzu is determined to retrieve the Alchemist - and complete her thirty-year-old mission to slay a star. However, others have their own ideas on how to use this ultimate doomsday device.
The Neutronium Alchemist is followed by The Naked God. -
b>Will they find the utopian dream or a galactic nightmare?/b>AD 3580 and the Commonwealth has spread its civilization throughout the galaxy. Its citizens are privileged and protected by a powerful navy. And at the galaxy's centre is the Void, a sealed universe created by aliens billions of years ago. Yet the Void isn't inert. It's expanding - and now it wants to make contact.The Void chooses Inigo as its conduit and he channels dreams of a simpler, better life within its bounds. His visions attract followers - determined to seek this utopia. And they'll cross the Void's forbidden boundaries to reach it. However, this act could trigger it to grow beyond all control . . . destroying everything in its path.b>The Dreaming Void is followed by The Temporal Void and The Evolutionary Void in this stunning space opera trilogy./b>
Judas Unchained concludes the Commonwealth Saga duology by Peter F. Hamilton - one of the world's bestselling science fiction writers.Our worlds are under invasion - and only the impossible can save us nowFor hundreds of years, the human race has been manipulated into starting a war. And it's one that could destroy our entire civilization. Chief Investigator Paula Myo is nominated to hunt the creature behind this ploy, while our invasion continues and multiple worlds fall to the enemy. In response, Admiral Kime commands humanity's defense, marshaling war-ready super-weapons. Yet he discovers his adversaries wield equally powerful armaments. The question is - where did these come from? Has the Commonwealth's top-secret defense project been compromised, or is the truth even worse than we can imagine? The Commonwealth Saga starts with Pandora's Star. 'If Pandora's Star represented a return to form, Judas Unchained is even better' - Guardian
L'alchimiste du neutronium - tome 1 consolidation - vol01
Peter F. Hamilton
- 13 Janvier 2005
- 9782266119481
À peine remis de sa résurrection, Al Capone entreprend d'organiser les Possédés, qui ont commencé d'envahir la Galaxie à partir de la planète Lalonde. Il en fait une force plus redoutable encore pour les vivants.
Joshua Calvert, le corsaire de l'espace est parvenu à s'arracher au piège de Lalonde, sauvant une poignée d'enfants au prix du sacrifice d'un commando d'élite. Il tente de regagner l'habitat Tranquilité ou l'attend la princesse Ione qui souhaite lui confier une nouvelle mission, plus dangereuse encore : retrouver le Dr Alkad Mzu qui a conçu l'arme ultime, l'Alchimiste, capable de faire exploser une étoile, afin de mettre un terme à une vieille galactique.
Sur Norfolk, Louise Kavanagh, enceinte de Joshua, n'a qu'une idée : échapper aux Possédés et sauver le bébé qu'elle porte, ainsi que sa soeur Geneviève, en partant à la recherche de son amant à travers l'espace. Quant au sinistre Quinn Dexter, il s'érige en Messie de la Nuit.
Consolidation est la première partie de l'Alchimiste du neutronium, qui constitue le deuxième tome de la gigantesque épopée spatiale entièrement conçue et réalisée par Peter F. Hamilton. Il ne s'agit pas d'une série, mais bien d'un seul roman, L'Aube de la nuit, le plus démesuré sans doute de toute l'histoire de la science-fiction. Son ambition et son envergure rejoignent celles des oeuvres de Frank Herbert et de Dan Simmons.
ça chauffe dans la Galaxie. Sous la dictature d'Al Capone, les Possédés envahissent des systèmes planètaires entiers. Capone espère mettre la main sur l'Alchimiste du neutronium et sur son créateur, le Dr Alkad Mzu, qui, jadis, afin d'assouvir une vieille vengeance, a conçu l'arme capable d'éteindre une étoile. Joshua Calvert lui aussi est lancé à la poursuite d'Alkad Mzu, comme la plupart des services secrets de la Galaxie.
Les Kiint, énigmmatiques extraterrestres, refusent toujours de livrer le secret de la rupture dans le réel aux humains. À chacun de frayer son chemin vers l'au-delà, objectent-ils.
Et sur Valisk, le ténébreux astéroïde régi par Rubra, les Possédés entreprennent de faire sécession de l'Organisation de Capone.
Enfin, Louise Kavanagh fonce vers la Terre, soucieuse d'arrêter le sinistre Quinn Dexter, convaincu que le règne du Frère de Dieu est sur le point d'advenir.
Conflit est la seconde partie de L'Alchimiste du neutronium, deuxième tome de la gigantesque épopée spatiale entièrement concue et réalisée par Peter F. Hamilton. Il ne s'agit pas d'une série, mais d'un seul roman, L'aube de la nuit, le plus démesuré de toute l'histoire de la science-fiction.
Following The Abyss Beyond Dreams, Night Without Stars is the epic follow-up to Peter F. Hamilton''s Chronicle of the Fallers duology.
The planet Bienvenido is in crisis. It has finally escaped the Void, emerging into regular space. But it''s millions of light-years from Commonwealth assistance, and humans are battling the Fallers for control of their world. This rapacious adversary, evolved to destroy all sentient life, has infiltrated every level of human society - hijacking unwilling bodies so its citizens fear their leaders, friends and family.
A mysterious figure known as the Warrior Angel leads a desperate resistance. She''s helped by forbidden Commonwealth technology, which gives her a crucial edge. But the government obstructs the Angel''s efforts at every turn, blinded by prejudice and technophobia. As Fallers also prepare to attack from the skies, she might need to incite rebellion to fight this invasion. But the odds seem impossible.
Then astronaut Ry Evine uncovers one last hope. On a mission against the enemy, his spacecraft damages an unidentified vessel. This crash-lands on the planet carrying unexpected cargo: a baby. This extraordinary Commonwealth child possesses knowledge that could save them all. But if the Fallers catch her, the people of Bienvenido will not survive. -
Set in the near-future, over three hundred years before Pandora''s Star and Judas Unchained , Peter F. Hamilton''s Misspent Youth is a gripping introduction to the world of the Commonwealth Saga. Jeff Baker is granted the gift of eternal youth. However, it''s not all it seems . . . It is 2040 and, after decades of research, we can finally rejuvenate a human being. At seventy-eight years old, Jeff Baker - renowned inventor and philanthropist - has given the world much of his creative genius. He''s therefore selected as first choice for this gift. At first, rejuvenation feels like a miracle, until the glow begins to fade. Personal relationships start to break down and the world waits for more brilliant new work. Living the dream will come at a cost, but can Jeff pay the price? ''The owner of the most powerful imagination in science fiction'' - Ken Follett ''Hamilton handles massive ideas with enviable ease'' - Guardian
Peter F. Hamilton
- Pan Books
- 24 Juin 2021
- 9781529059168
The first volume in the Chronicles of the Fallers, The Abyss Beyond Dreams by Peter F. Hamilton is an exceptional novel exploring the mystery at the heart of the Commonwealth Universe. To save their civilization he must destroy it . . . When images of a lost civilization are ''dreamed'' by a self-proclaimed prophet of the age, Nigel Sheldon, inventor of wormhole technology and creator of the Commonwealth society, is asked to investigate. Especially as the dreams seem to be coming from the Void - a mysterious area of living space monitored and controlled because of its hugely destructive capabilities. With it being the greatest threat to the known universe, Nigel is committed to finding out what really lies within the Void and if there''s any truth to the visions they''ve received. Does human life really exist inside its boundary? But when Nigel crash-lands inside the Void, on a planet he didn''t even know existed, he finds so much more than he expected. Bienvenido: a world populated by the ancestors of survivors from Commonwealth colony ships that disappeared centuries ago. Since then they''ve been fighting an increasingly desperate battle against the Fallers, a space-born predator artificially evolved to conquer worlds. Their sole purpose is to commit genocide against every species they encounter. With their powerful telepathic lure - that tempts any who stray across their path to a slow and painful death - they are by far the greatest threat to humanity''s continued existence on this planet. But Nigel soon realizes that the Fallers also hold the key to something he''d never hoped to find - the destruction of the Void itself. If only he can survive long enough to work out how to use it . . . Continue the adventure with the second in the duology, Night Without Stars .
Six short stories and a novella from a master of science fiction, Peter F. Hamilton. This collection includes Sonnie''s Edge, as seen in the award-winning Netflix anthology series Love, Death & Robots.
Set in the same universe as the Night''s Dawn trilogy, Peter F. Hamilton presents a compelling mix of human dilemmas, imagined technologies and extraordinary new cultures.
Among others, this collection includes Sonnie''s Edge, a story of contests to the death between constructed monsters. But one has a special advantage . . .
We also visit an abandoned alien spacecraft in Escape Route. Abandoned, but is it really as empty as it seems?
In the title novella, A Second Chance at Eden, the co-creator of a genetically-engineered habitat is found murdered. But nobody can identify the perpetrator - or the motive.
Featuring a diverse selection of stories set far in the future and beyond the stars, A Second Chance at Eden is a must-have collection from a writer at the top of his game. -
Great North Road is a standalone adventure from science fiction star Peter F. Hamilton, the author of The Night''s Dawn trilogy. In Newcastle, AD 2142, Detective Sidney Hurst attends a brutal murder scene. The victim is one of the wealthy North family''s clones, but the most disturbing aspect is how he died. Twenty years ago, a North clone billionaire and his household were slaughtered in the exact same manner, on the tropical planet of St Libra. So was Angela Tramelo wrongly convicted back then? She''d never wavered under interrogation - claiming she alone survived an alien attack. With St Libran bio-fuel now powering Earth''s economy, investigating this alien threat becomes top priority. A vast expedition is mounted via the planet''s Newcastle gateway - including Angela Tramelo, grudgingly released from prison. But the expedition is cut off, deep within St Libra''s rainforests. Then the bloodshed begins.