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Biographical noteVictor Hugo (1802-85) was the most forceful, prolific and versatile of French nineteenth-century writers. He wrote Romantic costume dramas, many volumes of lyrical and satirical verse, political and other journalism, criticism and several novels, the best known of which are Les Misérables (1862) and the youthful Notre-Dame de Paris (1831). A royalist and conservative as a young man, Hugo later became a committed social democrat and during the Second Empire of Napoleon III was exiled from France, living in the Channel Islands. He returned to Paris in 1870 and remained a great public figure until his death: his body lay in state under the Arc de Triomphe before being buried in the Panthéon. Main descriptionNow a major musical film from Oscar-winning director Tom Hooper (The King's Speech), starring Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe and Anne Hathaway, and also featuring Amanda Seyfreid, Helena Bonham-Carter and Sacha Baron-Cohen, Victor Hugo's Les Misérables is one of the great works of western literature.Victor Hugo's tale of injustice, heroism and love follows the fortunes of Jean Valjean (Hugh Jackman), an escaped convict determined to put his criminal past behind him. But his attempts to become a respected member of the community are constantly put under threat: by his own conscience, when, owing to a case of mistaken identity, another man is arrested in his place; and by the relentless investigations of the dogged Inspector Javert (Russell Crowe). It is not simply for himself that Valjean must stay free, however, for he has sworn to protect the baby daughter of Fantine (Anne Hathaway), driven to prostitution by poverty. Victor Hugo (1802-85) wrote volumes of criticism, Romantic costume dramas, satirical verse and political journalism but is best remembered for his novels, especially Notre-Dame de Paris (1831), also known as The Hunchback of Notre-Dame and Les Misérables (1862) which was adapted into one of the most successful musicals of all time. 'All human life is here'Cameron Mackintosh, producer of the musical Les Misérables'One of the half-dozen greatest novels of the world'Upton Sinclair'A great writer - inventive, witty, sly, innovatory' A. S. Byatt, author of Possession
Dans le Paris du XVe siècle, la belle Esméralda fait battre le coeur de tous. Mais la jeune bohémienne n'a d'yeux que pour le capitaine Phoebus. Enlevée par l'archidiacre Frollo qui la convoite, sauvée par Quasimodo, le sonneur de cloches difforme, elle sera finalement accusée de sorcellerie, puis pendue.
One of the great classics of Western literature, "Les Misérables" is a magisterial work which is rich in boh character portrayal and meticulous historical description. Characters such as the absurdly criminalised Valjean, the street urchin Gavroche, the rascal Thenardier, the implacable detective Javert, and the pitiful figure of the prostitute Fantine and her daughter Cosette, have entered the pantheon of literatu dramatis personne.
The reader is alson reated to the unforgettable desccriptions of the Battle of Waterloo and Valjean's flight through the Paris sewers.
In the vaulted gothic towers of Notre-Dame lives Quasimidi, the hunchbacked bell-ringer. Micked and shunned for his appearance, he is pitied only by Esmeralda, a beautiful gypsy dancer to whom he becomes completely devoted. Esmeralda, however, has also attracted the attention of the sinister archdeacon Claude Frollo, and when she rejects his lecherous approaches, Frollo hatches a plot to destroy her, which only Quasimido can prevent. Victor Hugo's sensational, evocative novel brings life to the medieval Paris he loved, and mourns its passing in one of the greatest historical romances of the nineteenth century.
John Sturrock's clear, contemporary translation is accompanied by an introduction discussing it as a passionate novel of ideas, written in defence of Gothic architecture and of a burgeoning democracy, and demonstrating that an ugly exterior can conceal moral beauty. This revised edition also includes further reading and a chronology of Hugo's life.
Victor Hugo est né le 26 février 1802 à Besançon et mort le 22 mai 1885 à Paris.
Paroles d'artiste est une collection de format poche pour découvrir ou redécouvrir les grands maître de l'art ancien, moderne et contemporain.
Cette série d'ouvrages monographiques permet d'envisager l'univers d'un artiste à travers une sélection de trente reproductions représentatives de l'ensemble de son oeuvre. Chaque reproduction est associée à une citation extraite d'un entretien, d'une correspondance ou d'un écrit de l'artiste lui-même.
Afin de rendre accessible cette collection aux très nombreux visiteurs étrangers de nos musées et collections publiques françaises, Paroles d'artiste est bilingue anglais-français.
En 64 pages, 31 reproductions et pour seulement 6,50 €, le lecteur se retrouve immergé dans l'esprit et l'oeuvre de Victor Hugo.
Le bon goût est une précaution prise par le bon ordre. Les écrivains sobres sont le pendant des électeurs sages. L'inspiration est suspecte de liberté, la poésie est un peu extra-légale. Il y a donc un art officiel, fils de la critique officielle.
Good taste is a precaution taken by good order. Thoughful writers are the counterparts of wise voters. Inspiration is suspected of liberty ; poetry is somewhat extra-judicial. There is thus an official art, engendered by the official critique.
Rejected by fifteenth-century Parisian society, the hideously deformed bell-ringer Quasimodo believes he is safe under the watchful eye of his master, the Archdeacon Claude Frollo. But after Quasimodo saves the beautiful Romani girl Esmeralda from the gallows and brings her to sanctuary in the cathedral, he and Frollo's mutual desire for her puts them increasingly at odds, before compassion and cruelty clash with tragic results.An emotionally stirring story, Victor Hugo's The Hunchback of Notre-Dame is rightfully considered to be one of the finest novels ever written, and this beautiful edition, featuring an afterword by John Grant, is the perfect way to experience this unforgettable tale.Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure.
Victor hugo les miserables (macmillan collector's library)
Victor Hugo
- Interart
- 8 Septembre 2016
- 9781909621497
B>A major BBC television series starring Dominic West and Oscar winning actress,/b> b>Olivia Coleman./b>Les Miserables is a magnificent, sweeping story of revolution, love and the will to survive set amidst the poverty stricken streets of nineteeth-century Paris.Part of the Macmillan Collector's Library; a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket sized classics with gold foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover. This edition has features an introduction by Paul Bailey.Escaped convict Jean Valjean turns his back on his criminal past to build his fortunes as an honest man. He takes in abandoned orphan Cosette and raises her as his own daughter. But Jean Valjean is unable to free himself from his previous life and is pursued to the end by ruthless policeman Javert. As Cosette grows up, young idealist Marius catches a glimpse of her and falls desperately in love. The fates of all the characters await them during the violent turmoil of the June Rebellion in 1832.This abridged version of Victor Hugo's masterpiece was published in 1915 with the aim to provide 'a unified story of the life and soul-struggles of Jean Valjean'.
Victor hugo the toilers of the sea (modern library classics)
Victor Hugo
- Random House Us
- 10 Septembre 2002
- 9780375761324
The essential Victor Hugo
Victor Hugo
- Oxford University Press English Language Teacher
- 5 Août 2008
- 9780192803634
Hugo ; english foreign students ; better english
Victor Hugo
- Dorling Kindersley
- 3 Décembre 1915
- 9780852852958
Nell'Inghilterra di inizio Settecento un bizzarro vagabondo, Ursus, poeta e filosofo di strada, raccoglie due orfani e li educa all'avventurosa vita dei girovaghi. Insieme formano una compagnia di mimi e vanno alla scoperta della splendida e miserabile società inglese dell'epoca. Ma il ragazzo, deformato nel volto da un continuo ghigno, nasconde un segreto. E quando scopre per caso la sua vera origine, vede il proprio destino incrinarsi... "L'uomo che ride", percorso da un brivido di inquietudine e mistero, è non solo uno dei capolavori dell'autore dei Miserabili ma senz'altro la sua opera più notturna, onirica e visionaria. Con un saggio di Robert Louis Stevenson.
828 kam Victor Hugo über den Platz der Guillotine, als dort die letzten Vorbereitungen für eine Hinrichtung getroffen wurden. Der Scharfrichter veranstaltete eine Art Generalprobe. Am anderen Morgen setzte sich Victor Hugo an seinen Schreibtisch und begann die Niederschrift seines Buches ›Der letzte Tag eines Verurteilten‹. 1829 erschien das dramatische Plädoyer gegen die Todesstrafe. Ein dramatischeres wurde in der Tat wohl niemals geschrieben. Daß Hugo sich in das Leid der anderen versenken konnte, ist die große Quelle seiner Kraft und seiner Wirkung. Daß wir neben dem Verstand und dem Gefühl des Dichters das Herz des großen Menschen spüren, das sichert dieser spannenden, packenden und ergreifenden Erzählung ihren mitreißenden Erfolg.
Scheda libro I miserabili di Victor Hugo (analisi letteraria di riferimento e riassunto completo)
Victor Hugo
- Paideia Educazione
- 4 Février 2022
- 9782759314645
La collezione "Conoscere un'opera" offre di sapere tutto su I miserabili di Victor Hugo, grazie a una scheda di lettura tanto completa quanto dettagliata. La scrittura, chiara e accessibile, è stata affidata a uno specialista universitario. Questa scheda di lettura è conforme a una carta di qualità creata da un team d'insegnanti. La presente guida contiene la biografia di Victor Hugo, la presentazione dell'opera, il riassunto dettagliato (capitolo per capitolo), le ragioni del suo successo, i temi principali e l'analisi del movimento letterario dell'autore.
No pasaran !" ; "le peuple doit se défendre" ; "ce sang qui coule, c'est le vôtre
Dolores Ibarruri, Salvador Allende, Victor Hugo
- Points
- Points Grands Discours
- 23 Septembre 2010
- 9782757819982
Contre la dictature, le fascisme et tous les despotismes, des voix célèbres ont appelé à la liberté.
En 1936, c'est au cri de No pasaràn ! que Dolores Ibàrruri soulevait les foules espagnoles contre les armées fascistes du général Franco. Le 11 septembre 1973, depuis le palais présidentiel bombardé par l'aviation chilienne désormais aux ordres du général Pinochet, Salvador Allende lançait un dernier appel à son peuple, affirmant son intention de mourir plutôt que de se rendre. Et Victor Hugo, en exil après le coup d'Etat de Louis Napoléon Bonaparte, en appelait à " la délivrance de tous les peuples et à l'affranchissement de tous les hommes ".
Les misérables ; niveau 1
Jennifer Bassett, Victor Hugo
- Oxford University Press English Language Teacher
- 10 Novembre 2012
- 9780194794404
France, 1815. Jean Valjean leaves prison after nineteen years. These are dangerous and troubled times, and life is hard. Valjean must begin a new life, but how can he escape his past, and his enemy, Inspector Javert?
This story for Bookworms is loosely based on the famous novel "Les Misérables" by Victor Hugo, one of France's greatest writers. The novel was written in 1862, and the story has been retold many times - in a musical, in plays for radio and theatre, and in more than fifty films for television and cinema.